Nowadays, so many people have their own blog or even their online business / shop and it is a necessity to advertise in order to stand out from the crowd. You could start really simple by making your own business cards to make at least your direct environment aware of what you are up to. In my next blog post I will put all the Do’s and Don’ts on a list of how your business card should look like, what it should contain, including the latest trends to stay up to date with the latest technology.
But of course once your business cards are ordered you can start thinking of how to carry them around. Why not DIY your own business card holder?! :-)
What you need is:
- some cotton yarn (this stays nice specially knowing that this holder might be laying around in your bag or in your back trouser pocket, in that case better not opt for light colored materials)
- a small piece of fabric, I have recycled a cushion cover that I wanted to through out and went well with the orange yarn I had chosen ;-) (let’s go at least 50% green!!)
- needle and some thread (or you can use your sewing machine like I did)
Find instructions after the jump...
This pattern is based on following business card dimension (standard):
8.5 cm x 5.5cm (3.35 inch x 2.16 inch)
Chain 27 (your rectangle crocheted piece will be slightly bigger, around 1.5cm (0.6 inch) than your actual business cards)
Row 1: 1sc in 2nd ch from hook, *1sc in next ch*, repeat *-* 23 more times, 1ch, turn piece = 26sc
Row2: *1sc in next ch*, repeat *-* 25 more times, 1ch, turn piece = 26sc
Repeat Row 2 until you reach approximaely 6.5cm - 7cm (2.6 inch)
Your final piece will be 10cm x 6.5cm (3.9 inch x 2.6 inch). Finish off and sew nicely your yarn in on both sides.
1. Cut your fabric 10cm x 7.5cm
2. Fold your fabric on one of the long sides with 1cm towards the inside as this will be the top of the fabric you will see at the open business card holder and sew this part nice and straight.
3. Place the right side of your fabric and the right side of your crocheted part on top of each other.
4. Sew now on the 3 remaining sides and leave a seem of 0.5cm on the 3 sides
5. Turn the little bag inside out, like this both right sides are now outside.
Your business card holder is now ready to use.
If you think it is a little big you could crochet a little hook which you sew at the back and a button at the front so you can close it.
In my case the holder is tight enough to keep the business cards nice at its place.