The team India captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni has exchanged engagement rings with Sakshi Singh Rawat in Dehradun on Saturday night.The engagement ceremony was organized in Bhagirath resort in Dehradun.Many cricketers of team India attended the ceremony.The marriage is likely to take place after India's home series against Australia in October.The engagement for Dhoni, one of India's most successful captain, comes just four days before his 29th birthday."Dhoni and his school friend Sakshi got engaged at Hotel Bhagirath in Dehradun," a close family friend told the reporters in Ranchi.Sakshi has done a course in hotel management from Institute of Hotel Management in Aurangabad."Besides the family members of Dhoni, a few close friends of the cricketer were present during the engagement ceremony," he added.Dhoni's engagement was kept a closely guarded secret and sources said that none of his cricketer friends and other celebrities was present.Dhoni and Sakshi, who hails from Aurangabad, had been school friends at DAV, Shamily in Ranchi."Their fathers worked together in MECON, and the Rawats moved to Dehradun after retirement," the friend said.Asked whether any date for marriage has been fixed, he said, "not yet, may be after the Australian series."
The King of Fashion --- He will be going through life commenting on fashion as He sees it. He comes here with no formal training in the matter, but He still does not think that makes him unqualified for the position.
Minggu, 04 Juli 2010
MS Dhoni- engagement with Sakshi Singh Rawati-Photos
The team India captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni has exchanged engagement rings with Sakshi Singh Rawat in Dehradun on Saturday night.The engagement ceremony was organized in Bhagirath resort in Dehradun.Many cricketers of team India attended the ceremony.The marriage is likely to take place after India's home series against Australia in October.The engagement for Dhoni, one of India's most successful captain, comes just four days before his 29th birthday."Dhoni and his school friend Sakshi got engaged at Hotel Bhagirath in Dehradun," a close family friend told the reporters in Ranchi.Sakshi has done a course in hotel management from Institute of Hotel Management in Aurangabad."Besides the family members of Dhoni, a few close friends of the cricketer were present during the engagement ceremony," he added.Dhoni's engagement was kept a closely guarded secret and sources said that none of his cricketer friends and other celebrities was present.Dhoni and Sakshi, who hails from Aurangabad, had been school friends at DAV, Shamily in Ranchi."Their fathers worked together in MECON, and the Rawats moved to Dehradun after retirement," the friend said.Asked whether any date for marriage has been fixed, he said, "not yet, may be after the Australian series."